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tv   [untitled]    October 24, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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market former stronghold is said to be sliding towards a humanitarian catastrophe while libya's pro-government finders claim they are controlling the city's center. today to end america's wars and take the influence of big money out of politics the presidential candidates forced into the sidelines get their forces heard in a t.v. debate aired by r t. and as u.k. health workers threatened to strike over pay losses a spate of negligence cases shine the spotlight on for patient care.
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from moscow with the latest news from around the globe on care and this is our well being pro-government forces say they have occupied the center of the opposition stronghold of bani walid with only a few pockets of resistance left our sources deny the claims telling us that fighting is continuing in the besieged city polis leader has more details. the siege of bani walid has been on the go for almost three weeks now and in the last week alone dozens of people have been killed and injured in the clashes between pro-government forces and bani walid fighters there are reports circulating that quoted a libyan militia leader who says that the situation is under control and that the city has been cleared of what gadhafi loyalists we are hearing the opposite from our sources on the ground they say that the situation is deteriorating by the minute we've also been receiving as of yet verified photographs and video that show
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did dismembered bodies as well as slain children and also the alleged. weapon when we are hearing from doctors on the scene as well as eye witnesses on the ground that many people are suffering from toxic gas poisoning and this doesn't line up with as of yet unconfirmed reports we've been receiving of the gas from the shells being fired at the local population are using machinery to do more which is you. know. again it's just a feeling and people just going to know. we would know you want to know want to. save our family. i got this time to make it work that. no one can stop them and they have unlimited money. while for many
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libyans since the former libyan leader moammar gadhafi was slain their lives have not changed anything for some it has deteriorated we are hearing from a number of people on the ground who say that for all his faults and one thing that gadhafi did bring the country was stability and there are alarming parallels that are not being made between his regime and the current reign gadhafi for example was charged with using chemical weapons we are hearing the same kind of charges being made at the ruling regime at the same time good. duffy was embroiled in mass executions we've been hearing from human rights watch expose ase of atrocities as well as look quietens that have been carried out separate to this we're also hearing reports of double standards from many in the international community people saying that on the one hand the waste is quick to criticize the regime of the syrian president bashar assad like they did with that of gadhafi but when you see the same kind of atrocities being carried out now in bunny why did the
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international community is quiet so this is raising alarm bells russia's diplomatic efforts to peacefully resolve the conflict in bani walid are deadlocked after the u.s. blocked a draft proposal at the u.n. security council the details for march is more important in new york. the u.s. and western countries did not back the russian drafted press statement they said that they were they cited the need for further consultations now the russian envoy to the un vitaly churkin says in the aftermath of last month's deadly attack in benghazi that killed four americans it's quite surprising that the u.s. would be blocking a statement that is condemning the use of violence in dealing with libya's political problems investor churkin says it's very strange and the behavior of the u.s. delegation with respect to the russian state press statement in this situation is hard to rationally explain now this russian draft security council press statement
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on bani walid expressed grave concern about the escalation of violence in and around the city in particularly the reports of growing civilian casualties including children the statement also called the living authorities to take urgent steps to resolve the conflict by peaceful means and to preserve the rights of all libyan citizens in the statement also stressed the need to promote national reconciliation inclusive political dialogue in libya it was quite surprising to many of us journalists that were at the u.n. stakeout to find that there was no agreement made on this this russian draft press statement that essentially condemns this violence violence that began in the beginning of october and we see is escalating but these conversations will clearly continue in the days to come after accusing colonel gadhafi of committing crimes against his people the u.s. wasted little time intervening in libya last year just of trying political analyst from hong kong city university thinks washington is contradicting itself by
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blocking efforts to mediate a peaceful solution. it is certainly a case all hypocrisy and that will stand. whatever one's assessments of the motivations of russia the concern flow through many terrorism obvious the. authority. of national interest and the united states influence in libya the united states certainly believes libya is very much in this ok or you know pocket of the united states and its major nato allies certainly wants to be control of the libyan situation. and oil interests one of the considerations and it does not want to see intervention into few rinses from other countries especially from russia bring america's foreign wars to a close withdrawal corporate cash from politics and stop indefinite detention all election
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promises but not ones you'll find in the manifestos of barack obama or mitt romney there are other names on the ballot in the u.s. presidential election r.t.e. help them air their views by broadcasting an alternative live debate party's got to count has been listening in. the four alternative candidates who were debating this tuesday night in chicago did raise a number of issues that were never even touched upon in the debates between mitt romney and barack obama there was a lot of critique of course they discuss money in politics their claim is that washington was bought and paid for by special interests to discuss the indefinite detention of americans see as the president obama signed something that because party candidates never talk about during the major debates then here is joel signs where mark's on the issue she's the nominee from the green party it's a new trend on the trail of our civil liberties that the president has
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assumed dictatorial rights to put us in prison at his pleasure without charge or without trial among other things sweeping powers of the patriot act also something that you don't hear much about in the mainstream media crackdown on whistleblowers by the obama administration and of course the military judging by their remarks secret very well i understand why they are outsiders and i would argue that all of them were saying the u.s. should stop military intervention and all of them do not see much difference between barack obama and mitt romney especially on foreign policy take a listen we're going to find ourselves with the continued heightened police state in this country we're going to find ourselves continuing to militarily intervene in the world which result has resulted in hundreds of millions of enemies to this country that wouldn't otherwise exist we know the republican democrats have some differences but both of them morphed into a militaru square produced anti-democratic force that has betrayed
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basic human and civil rights these candidates are going to be on balance but not in all states they were also talking about how hard it is for an independent candidate to get on those ballots in the u.s. that every state has its own intricate rules lots of signatures and that essentially it requires a lot of money to get on the palace and all of these candidates know they don't stand. chance to win this election but as larry king the moderator of this debate said there are voices that may not be counted on november the sixth but they deserve to be heard before taking the stage third party candidates talked to a panel of the event's organizers and thom hartmann host of the big picture here on r t he says the debate is opening our eyes of many voters and could shape the future of the nation's political system rather than changing political outcomes right now in this election cycle is it might get enough particularly young people interested and involved in the political process that movement will bring about
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that change you know years of months or decades but i think that this is the sort of thing you can see if we were to structurally change the electoral system in the united states if we were to require the media to cure we are an open debates if we were to fund began it if we were to ban political advertising these are things that are done in many of the major markets in the world right now then i think it would be possible for these third party candidates to remain true to their values and. have you know a successful electoral effort but as long as our u.s. supreme court continues to assert that money is the same thing in speech that it's not property in the corporations are not legal fictions that they're actually people it's going to be damn hard. georgia's president is to blame for the war with russia over south of setia four
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years ago so says the leader of the country's newly elected ruling party here's artists on barton with the details. georgia's prime minister in waiting bidzina ivanishvili whose opposition movement won in recent elections stood up in front of the georgian parliament undertaxed his opponent mikhail saakashvili and his party for provoking the two thousand and eight war over south sex you're calling it a grandfather k. should give rest directly saakashvili he's saying you are to blame for the current damaged relations with russia and that the americans and europeans recognize this he went on to say that he does consider to be part of georgian territory but he's also hopeful for the future that still bench really the status of south asserting and also our scars here that you know the territory which was contested can be agreed with russia and relations could then improve the casualty figures for the
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five day war which started in august two thousand and eight range from the hundreds to over a thousand it started when georgian troops attacked the territory of self-assertive russia then responded to protect its citizens living there and pushed the georgians out shortly after the war georgia broke all diplomatic ties with russia and russia recognize the independence of both south ossetia and abkhazia. a deadly medical error has sent shock waves through people's trust in britain's health service. we trust people we trust you to every word i can think of any other word. is mine still turn a cataloger fatal flaws in the u.k.'s health care system the government increasingly turns its back on doctors and nurses we report shortly. while the government in spain is accused of turning on the nation's most of vulnerable
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thousands protesting against more cuts set out for next year all this just ahead. wealthy british science. sometimes. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our. nuclear fireball the side. radioactive fallout of all government betrayal of the government flawed and lauded and lauded and claude how can the truth be revealed if there's no official evidence there was indeed a very great danger to the servicemen concerned who will give them no problem for to action and to the people of this country generally because of radio like the fall of. the secrets of the u.k.'s nuclear tests it's.
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an issue free critique free storage free. arrangement free. three stooges free. old free marketeers videos for your media projects free media oh darn darty dot com . welcome back to our team with me karen terrill british health workers are threatening a walkout over the government's spending cuts unions say they're enduring a two year pay freeze which could be extended as well as an increased workload all of which is ruining medical staff morale what's more the national health service is already losing the trust of the people it serves to reports. already are clearly in agony but in supposedly safe hands in hospital that's what janine harvey
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says distal when she came down with severe hip pain last december despite over forty visits to doctors in. three different hospitals janine cervical cancer when tom diagnosed rhyming in city hospital doctors here failed to spot janine harvey's cancer not once but twice all the hospitals missed it too exposing a capsule of the barrier that led to the death of the thirty three year old mother afford just months later her family now say they want to nice story to be heard say that others can avoid a similar traits at one point dr even suggested that jeanine's excruciating pain was all in her mind but her post-mortem examination showed that a cancerous tumor had grown so large inside her that it had shattered her pelvic bone. family gets upset when people ask why they didn't pay for costly private care
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you know. so amazing. is that you know what we needed to go private we felt we trust them we trusted their every word janine isn't the only patient to be failed by the n.h.s. some around. percent of deaths in hospitals. something that's happened but was avoidable and has potentially contributed to that that's one thousand patients a month a recent study by the national institute of health research says that one patient in ten is affected by potentially serious medical errors half of whom die as a result such as twenty two year old cane gorney he died from dehydration from a combination of misdiagnosis and what the coroner called the incompetence of n.h.s. staff it's definitely a problem that patients are repeatedly coming to us with. reporting face.
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to that which. the n.h.s. trust response. janine scare says we are extremely sorry for any distress calls to the family we can understand the need for aunt says and this is what our internal investigation process is about examining what lessons there are to be learnt and making changes if there's anything that needs to be changed janine's family are now turning their tragedy into forming a charity to give other people with complicated medical conditions a chance to get a second medical opinion privately before it's too late it's impossible for so many individual console to to to make so many errors it must be the ceased it must be this some major major or the lack of community trying to negligence is leaving someone you know well bent on knowing it's all i can't think of any other word for
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them was months long after. r.t. london. it seems more when the whistle can land you in prison especially for a former cia agent who revealed the torture of suspected terrorists he's been sentenced to two and a half years in prison as we report online. and who is this phantom football fan it's strange figures prodded among celebrating portable phones on a photo taken during a u.f.a. champions league match. anger over spanish austerity deepens us thousands marched out to stop the government from imposing fresh new cuts new year's budget will slash benefits further and leave even more of the population on the breadline our two reports from madrid. protests like this one are becoming something of a regularity in spain in fact we're being told told by people here that there are
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over eighty protests happening in madrid alone so there are hundreds happening all over the country now spain yours are highly dissatisfied with the way their government has been dealing with trying to solve the financial crisis in the country they're saying that the representatives who are sitting in the parliament are not representing the people who are standing here but their problems are not being even thought about in the parliament now one of these people worried about they're worried about the social programs first and foremost health care education aid for the elderly they are also worried about the fact that spain has one of the highest unemployment rates in the european union which is about twenty five percent it has the highest youth unemployment rate which is that over fifty percent right now now the international agency moody's has downgraded four of spain's regions including catalonia which is the richest regions in spain considering the fact that the country is going through its second recession in three years and with this
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downgrade right now with the central bank saying that spain's economy is shrinking and again with the unemployment going up we can we can assume that it's not long before spain is going to officially ask for a bailout it hasn't done it yet there is no nothing definite no different from ation but it does seem like spain is edging closer towards that point battered by cults analysts predict spain could soon be the next economy burdened with an e.u. bailout but you're also rather may go on those as prime minister mario the horse seems happy to push austerity to its limits. those deficit targets are impossible to meet everybody knows that so the government is counting on the e.u. to establish stockett's now the problem is that isn't it targets doesn't mean that the government is going to ease it's a city policy is in fact they you quite are extraordinary he said that spain is doing too much is doing more than the specter so let's say that we have in spain. a very
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a very much of an activist prime minister who volunteer is more austerity than it's neither it's by the creditors quite an extraordinary thing i really now there's something new and it's that germany is not keen on spain asking for the bailout because that would open the way for what is known as mr druggists ice cream that he's a schema by the european central bank to buy in and limited quantities of bones from thirty spanish debt the germans doesn't want that they don't want that and so they want to block the only way to block that he says spain not asking for the bailout so unless all these things are solved well it will take still a few weeks but yes i think ultimately spain will go for the bailout time now for more the world's a suspected u.s. drone missile attack in pakistan has killed three people and injured two children the strikes hit a compound believed to house militants along with civilians according to the local military the u.s. has been heavily criticized for hundreds of civilian deaths including children in
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its attacks aimed at al qaida members along pakistan's border with afghanistan. syria's rebels could soon be using u.s. made anti-aircraft weapons russia says the armed opposition and now some serious american firepower at its disposal which washington authorities are yet to confirm meanwhile the u.n. envoy to syria says the government there has with greed to a ceasefire during the four day muslim festival of heat and will decide for sure on thursday. israeli air force has reportedly fired on girls look killing at least four hamas people two explosions struck the city in the latest series of air strikes in the region it's the second straight day of raids by israel's military claims the offensive was in response to rocket attacks from the palestinian side the strikes follow a visit by the emir of qatar to the blockaded enclave the first arab leader to do so. a sudanese weapons production plant has been set ablaze after
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a massive explosion several people had to go to hospital after suffering smoke inhalation when the fire spread over a wide area the blaze has since been put out now an investigation is underway into what caused the initial explosion. all right let's get some business news now with katie so the domination of the three global rating agencies may be under threat is that so that is this competition several raising agent suits from different countries joining forces now to create a global competitor to u.s. agencies. that imposed on them is saying to be fully independent will not represent any country or business. explains the details for us. there are only three credit ratings agencies with global reach moody's standard and poor's and fitch and they are all american and some would say subject to the same kinds of wall street bias all three have had
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a bad financial crisis failing to predict in two thousand and eight the imminent downturn at the time they were giving the highest possible credit rating to securities sociate with the u.s. housing market chalet to prompt the crisis they also failed to spot what was going on in iceland shortly before it collapsed and as recently as two thousand and nine moody's was saying that investor can sense about greece but perhaps misplaced but despite this less than stellar track record a new global agency is not going to have it all its own way it will need to establish its own credibility and this can only be done by showing long term accurate reliable analysis and that is going to take some time. and staying with the topic then the chairman of russia's m d n bank unlike when he again says a new agency could change the existing scheme of giving writings and make it more reliable. do you think the problem of raising agencies is that the money
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they make comes from the companies the rates and that could lead to a conflict of interest i think the idea is to create an agency that will get funding elsewhere ideally agencies should be paid by the ones who are interested in the credit worthiness of their potential investments in that case the rating relex prejudice. russian equities are still managing to climb us after a rather challenging previous session as you can see that one up for the r.c.s. it will serve that's gaining at the highest level now since july twenty eighth and the last despite credit rating agency is putting his energy giant on review because of the risks and involved with purchasing. we have that big news event happening this way this shook up the rope the verbal selling now is indeed managing to gain in the us after having a real selloff actually in the last two weeks or so out of the euro it is dropping
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and that sort of manufacturing data for the whole of the area contracted germany falling to a two month low now the equities though are continuing to get and that's on the back of international data with signs that the slump in china's factory output is easing and speculation that america's housing market is improving so the next hour we'll have the opening for wall street so we'll have more details on that when that's against figure out what all the way the u.k. atomic secrets are revealed in our special report so stay with us. you can tell an ordinary russian siberian in the blink of an. anthropologist. those days siberians were different clothes a different food. different animals. but what about. my journey began in two men but the big city was all shiny skyscrapers and shopping malls much
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like any other prosperous russian. so i decided to try. a small town just outside. dumplings came from here to dominate the russian cuisine but only in siberia. with cabbage and making sure you can have as a starter main dish. although it may draw. most people in siberia see nothing wrong with hunting only if you decide to participate.
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when you look upon martin. as in the middle of a swamp only accessible by. its inhabited by siberian a large muslim minority that migrated head before the russians. and this. israel. maybe not this. tourism brochures but distinctive enough to show that after all these years cyber is still that it was like i knew where else. only marrying only maralinga smoke is the only one you want to see.


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